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Family Attributes and Alcohol Use Disorder Among Clients in Rehabilitation Centers in Nairobi County

$ 49.5

Published: 2024-01-12
Category: Health Care, Medicine
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Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) has been realized to have symptoms and progression that can be predicted.Individuals diagnosed with AUD must meet certain principles delineated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [DSM -5] (DSMMD).It describes AUD as an alcohol use habit characterized by the manifestation of two or more of the behaviours indicated below when they occur within the same twelve months' period. The behaviours include; an individual consuming more alcohol than intended with unsuccessful attempts to stop or reduce the amount of use. The person experiencing craving continues to drink even when a failure in major responsibilities and obligations results in interpersonal problems, health problems, and dangerous behaviours. Tolerance and withdrawal symptoms are also characteristics of AUD. The role of family in the development of alcohol use behaviour was also reported in a review of studies published within 30 years on the role of parenting styles in their off springs alcohol use and abuse Fernandez-Hermida, Calafat, Becoña, Tsertsvadze, & Foxcroft (2022), the results of the study indicate that parenting with authority exhibits greater efficacy in mitigating alcohol consumption and misuse compared to alternative parenting styles. However, the study did not investigate the development of alcohol use disorder.  Bratek, et al., (2013)  reports that alcoholic persons grew up with alcoholic parents who were less caring for them when young. Due to their Alcohol use disorder, these parents were less dependable, helpful or supportive.Parenting styles and family alcohol use have been associated with offspring alcohol use and abuse but not the development of alcohol use disorder. 

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