Urban Identity of Satellite City in Megapolitan Area: The Interaction Between Sense of Place and Regional Development in the City Of Bogor
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A city is a place where people in it identify themselves in relation to their dwellings. Urban identity is a physical and non-physical uniqueness in an urban area that can create a sense of place and a sense of attachment. A city nowadays is no longer a closed area like it used to be. Cities in Java develop very rapidly especially after the early 20th century. The phenomenon of extended metropolitan causes the extension of main city with unclear border. Bogor is a city that has a long history that forms the urban identity. However, Bogor now has become a part of satellite city of Jakarta that causes the change in its urban identity.
This research in Bogor has resulted in theoretical knowledge, i.e. “Urban Identity in Satellite city”. In short, this theory can be explained as interconnection between three elements of sense of place influenced by endogenous and exogenous factors caused by the regional connection between the main city and the satellite city. The elements of sense of place are physical attribute, activities and conception. The influential endogenous factors are natural, historic, social and cultural factors while the influential exogenous factors are migration, economy and lifestyle. In this process, there are catalysts which are regional policy and mass transportation. That theory connects theories about place which is micro and regional theories which are macro so as to fill in missed link theory in terms of urban theory, especially theory on metropolitan city in developing countries.