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Functional Adult Literacy and Rural Livelihood in Ethiopia: The Case of Oromia

$ 38.5

Published: 2022-08-01
Category: Edukacja
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The book comprises two parts. The first part tried to discuss the implementation of Integrated Functional Adult Education (IFAE) in Oromia Regional State so as to find out lesson that can be learned and the challenges the program encountered. IFAE program is new in its kind and tried to bring different stakeholders on board. The study confirmed that sectors of agriculture, health, education and volunteers were the main actors in the implementation of IFAE program which would have been considered as the strength. But, their contribution was hampered by major factors such as lack of reward package, poor rapport between different sectors and problem related with issue of unity of command. Participation in the IFAE program was not considered as additional task that deserve some kind of financial and other forms of reward.

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