The Benefits of Neuroscience in Education and Health Through the Technique of Cerebral Stimulation Multimedia Rehabilitation
$ 54.5
This book aims to detail the effects and benefits that this brain exercise technique can offer, in order to improve health and quality of life, especially in this moment of the COVID-19 pandemic. Neuroscience has been day-to-day assisting in advances in education and also in health. The subject's perception of his individuality seeks to find ways that favor learning, in this sense one of the ways found is the new brain stimulation technique known as Multimedia Rehabilitation - Cerebral Exercise - Neurofitness that can be used to exercise the brain and improve learning. The brain evolves, develops throughout life. It is a large file of information. Within it, there are billions of neurons responsible for capturing, transmitting, storing and retrieving this information. The brain changes according to what is used, this occurs through neuroplasticity. Multimedia Rehabilitation - Academy for the Brain - Neurofitness promotes intense brain stimulation