This research aims to evaluate the outcome of felicitating the ICT training and development program for teachers in the western province of Sri Lanka. Teachers face many challenges and drawbacks in teaching in a technologically advancing world. Due to the lack of technological knowledge and skill, teachers are unable reach their highest potential in the field of teaching. This action research reviews the development of the teacher’s knowledge and skill in ICT. For this study, teachers were able to give an account of their experiences in the ICT training and development program. A mixed method of data collection and analysis was used for this research, first a qualitative method followed by a quantitative method. Through the findings of this research it was revealed that a majority of teachers had benefited from the ICT training and development program thereby it is necessary that measures be taken to conduct more ICT training and development programs for teachers. Teachers who had undergone ICT training and development were better equipped and confident to face the technologically advancing education system.