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A Complete Guide to PhD Degree: A Hand Book for Research Scholars and their Supervisor in Indian Context

$ 75

Published: 2022-06-09
Category: Edukacja
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Public trust in research and its output is essential for a healthy modern society. Although the research enterprise is self-correcting, this self-regulation occasionally needs help. Over the years, research institutions, professional societies, and governments have established several protocols, codes of conduct, norms, and principles to enhance that trust in research institutions, funders, producers, publishers, and products.( Guidance Document GOOD ACADEMIC RESEARCH PRACTICES, September 2020, University Grants Commission- UGC) If the aim of a PhD is to develop the skills of a professional academic researcher, how should you go about it? Using the principles of skill development as a foundation, this book provides a unique approach to the most common challenges of PhD research, including: - getting to know the literature in your field - developing your research ideas - becoming a better academic writer - coping with the stress and unpredictability of research - publications and presentations - Writing, submitting and defending your thesis. This book is an outcome of not just efforts, but a contribution of many people. We take this opportunity to thank all those who supported in publication of this book. Many research scholars have been kind enough to share their research works in form of Synopsis, Thesis, Summary, Video of PhD Open Defense & Power-point presentations, so that a larger section of the aspiring researchers can take a guideline in formulation of their own research work.

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