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The Nature, Causes and Impact of Insecurity on Nation-building and Development in Nigeria

$ 42.5

Published: 2022-02-07
Category: Biznes i Ekonomia
Category Politologia
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Security challenges are global phenomenon. However, the prevalence and magnitude of insecurity vary from country to country. Currently, Nigeria is bedeviled with high rate of security challenges despite the numerous security agencies of the government. Inevitably, the high rate of insecurity in Nigeria has led to high crime rates such as kidnapping, herdsmen attacks, banditry and terrorist attacks in different parts of the nation which has had an adverse effect on Nigeria’s nation building and development. Thus, this book appraised the nature, causes and impact of insecurity on nation-building and development in Nigeria. The appraisal was achieved through the review and analysis of secondary data relevant to the objectives of the study. The book consists of seven chapters. Chapter one dwells on the background of insecurity in Nigeria. Chapter two provided conceptual discourse of security, insecurity, nation-building, development and security structure in Nigeria. Chapter three discusses the nature of insecurity in Nigeria. Chapter four highlights the causes of insecurity in Nigeria. Chapter five focuses on the impact of insecurity on nation-building and development in Nigeria. Chapter six proffer ways to mitigate the challenges of insecurity in Nigeria while chapter seven gives the concluding remarks and recommendations.

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