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Seven papers put Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology Back on the Right Track

$ 54.5

Published: 2025-02-13
Category: Nowe wydanie
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During the last century (1900-2000), Physics and Cosmology have made great progress, a progress so great that it has surpassed the total progress of the entire previous millennium (1000-2000). However, along with the enormous progress that has been achieved, many questions have also been created that need to be answered in order to establish this progress. The answers to the questions that have been created, have been undertaken to be studied by established science,  displacing all the small independent researchers whose opinions, even if correct, if they are opinions different from the established opinions, are automatically rejected without being studied or be taken into account. As an example, I mention the opinions that I describe in this book, which although they have been published for several years, established science has ignored them. However, if we analyze the answers that have been given by established science to the questions that needed to be answered, we will notice that, after the discovery of the up and down quarks, in the decade (1970-1980), which together with the electron were considered wrongly, as elementary particles, many other incorrect answers were given. These answers result a great confusion that have taken, Physics and especially Theoretical Physics of the elementary particles, and Cosmology, out of the correct development trajectory. I believe that the careful study of this book will help Physics and Cosmology leading them back to the correct path of development.

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