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Appraisal of Foreign Tribunal Systems: Foreign Tribunal Systems

$ 45.5

Published: 2022-07-23
Category: Prawo
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The aim of this appraisal is to illustrate effective and efficient tribunal systems. This book examines foreign tribunal systems, which are unified, tiered hierarchies that operate in a harmonious. This book discusses the relevance of each foreign tribunal system elucidating the strengths and weaknesses of each system. The United Kingdom has experimented with its tribunal system since the eighteenth century, and it is an appropriate tribunal system to seek guidance from regarding the enhancement of access to justice. Second, France has a tribunal model that works efficiently and expeditiously, and the judges that preside at the Conseil d’Etat receive specialist training to adjudicate tribunal matters. This is a useful system and this specialist training is relevant for an effective system. Thirdly, the Australian tribunal system’s structure is constantly evolving, in relation to an improved structure and operation. 

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