Antipathogenic Activity of Sugar Apple (A. Squamosa) Aqueous Leaf Extract Against P. Aeruginosa, S. Aureus, S. Epidermidermis
$ 36.5
Centuries ago, even up to these days, plants are widely and popularly used for its medicinal properties. Different varieties of different species of plants have been proven to contain compounds that are beneficial for drug development. Each part of a plant including the roots, stem, leaves, flower, fruit and seeds can contain natural compounds which can have significant contribution on curing diseases especially those which are caused by pathogens. Phyto chemicals are the natural compounds, found in most plants used as traditional medicine, responsible for treating illnesses. Pathogens are microorganisms that causes acute and chronic diseases. Does all medicinal plant treat diseases caused by pathogens? Let us know by proving the antipathogenic activity of sugar apple aqueous leaf extract against specific bacteria.