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Social Networks - Life - Learning: Application of ICT in education system

$ 32.5

Published: 2020-07-29
Category: Edukacja
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This period of development of science and technology, which we are witnessing, brings with it rapid and significant changes for the life of each individual. The way we communicate, the way information is transmitted and the creation and sharing of knowledge has changed. All of this, of course also has a big impact on education. Revolutionary changes in education bring not only few technologies but in the first place new forms, such as e-learning and lifelong learning. In such a situation, education is a key starting point that prepares the younger generations for the future, helps them to navigate and properly use and evaluate the available information. This process begins at their earliest age at their first encounters with computers, but certainly continues more seriously at elementary school. As this is the beginning of their formal education, an important task is set before teachers who must not only pass on information, but teach students how to turn information into knowledge and how to effectively cope with the current technological environment and teach them how to learn. In this context the research in this paper is aimed at analyzing the current situation in the education system in the Republic of Macedonia at the level of secondary education, quantitative and qualitative. The aim is to obtain accurate information on the application of ICT in teaching aimed at acquiring high quality, effective and competitive knowledge.

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