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Nanotechnology Advancements in Water and Wastewater Treatment

$ 49.5

Published: 2022-07-14
Category: Science
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The book will be a work of tertiary literature, meaning to bring together digested knowledge and to give an update on the status of the use of nanotechnology in water monitoring and wastewater treatment. Generally, water supply worldwide is struggling to keep up with rising demand, which is compounded by population increase, global climate change, and deteriorating water quality. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of technology innovation in enabling integrated water management. Nanotechnology has a lot of promise in terms of improving water and wastewater treatment efficiency and augmenting water supply through the safe use of unconventional water sources. This book will cover the most recent advancements in nanotechnology for water and wastewater treatment. Candidate nanomaterials, novel trends, features and mechanisms that permit applications, advantages and limits as compared to existing methods, and impediments and research needs for commercialization are all included in this work. The book aims to cover the development of effective and efficient technologies for the remediation of polluted waters from a scientific point of view and application aspects from an industrial point of view.

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