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Effect of Civil Society Organizations on Health, Nutrition and Economic Status of People Living with HIV/ AIDS in Busia

$ 38.5

Published: 2021-08-09
Category: Social Science
Description Leave review


Global HIV statistics: 37.9 million, prevalence in Kenya is at 5.6%, prevalence in Busia County is at 7.4%. High prevalence partly linked to irresponsible sexual lifestyles at boarder point. Over 300 CSOs contracted to support in Busia: Improve access to information, healthcare services, socio-economic support and Nutritional support of PLWHA. However, the effect of their interventions had not been exclusively established by 2014.
A quasi-experimental pre-post study was done to evaluate changes attributed to CSO intervention.
Baseline and end line data compared from intervention and non-intervention sites. FGDs scheduled with PLWHAs in intervention and non-intervention sites and responses compared.

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