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Banking Sector Assessment

$ 36.5

Published: 2022-02-02
Category: Biznes i Ekonomia
Category Social Science
Description Leave review


Today's banking sectors must cope with a wide range of diversity. Diversity refers to gender, age, religion, language, personality, education, culture, social standing, and other differences between employees working in an organization. Thus, this research examines the impact of workforce diversity management on employee performance in Nepalese commercial banks, taking into account the effects of gender, age, education, and ethnic diversity.
Furthermore, the study discovered a strong positive and substantial association between employee performance and age group. Older employees have more problem-solving experience, and equal training and development opportunities for employees of various ages play an essential part in the bank's staff performance. Similarly, education and employee performance have a beneficial relationship. Employees with a high level of education perform better on the job and make better judgments about the organization's subject matter. Well-educated employees are valuable assets to the company and substantially impact the bank's performance. Finally, the study found that ethnicity has a favourable solid impact on employee performance. Due to the heterogeneous combination of ethnic groups in a bank, ethnic diversity groups make better decisions contributing to more innovation and new inventive performance.

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