The Indivisibility of Economy and Culture
$ 45.5
As a consequence, uncertainty, becoming and non-existence take hold of explanation, interpretation and meaning. Logically, they cause anxiety. This should not necessarily, though become a reason for nostalgia, lamentation or mourning. It is still, indeed, a possible means to overcome the usual binaries that divide and segregate culture from nature, human from non-human, ethics from non-ethics, anomie from anomaly, person from the masses etc. Unsurprisingly, living at today’s risk society where people exchanged a portion of security for a portion of happiness, which is exactly the opposite of what took place at the dawn of modernity, when people exchanged a portion of happiness for a portion of security, makes indivisibility unavoidable. Uncertainty, nevertheless, is a structural characteristic of contemporary society. Theorizing and reflecting on it, may help us, therefore, understand that we lack nothing and that we have no one to turn, in order to avoid the discontents it generates.