An Application of GIS in Environment and Social Issues: Groundwater and Watershed Modelling, Snow and Avalanche studies, Crime models
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Groundwater is one of the nation's most important natural resources, and it helps grow our food. It is a source of recharge for lakes, rivers, and wetlands. It is the main source of water for irrigation and many industrial processes. In many parts of the country, people rely on groundwater for drinking, irrigation, industry, and livestock. Watershed management are to mitigate flooding risk to structures or entire communities, restore wetland function, inhibit runoff of nutrients from agricultural land, or protect drinking-water source areas from environmental contaminants. As water runs over and through the watershed, it picks up and carries contaminants and soil. Snow avalanches are a well-known hazard type and are defined as a sudden release of snow masses and ice on slopes, aspects, curvature, and elevation, sometimes containing portions of rocks, soil, and vegetation.