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Agriculture, Nutrition and Feeding the Babies: Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Infant and Young Child Feeding Practice

$ 42.5

Published: 2021-10-08
Category: Agriculture
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Agriculture in Ethiopia is the foundation of the country's economy, accounting for half of gross domestic product (GDP), 83.9% of exports, and 80% of total employment. Governments globally are stressing on nutrition interventions combined with nutrition sensitive policies and programs to combat malnutrition. Governance at all levels has been identified as a critical element in ensuring success of national nutrition plan. Multi-sectoral nutrition governance has been hailed as an effective mechanism to reduce undernutrition. Ethiopia has adopted many approaches and has been implementing nutrition programs with some success, but under-nutrition remains high for a range of reasons. To attain the highest possible food security and nutritional benefits for the people of Ethiopia, it is essential that agriculture, nutrition, and health (ANH) sciences and their related research activities work together in an integrated manner. Infant and young child inappropriate feeding practices and their consequences are major obstacles to sustainable socioeconomic development and poverty reduction which results in acute and chronic health impact on individuals. 

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