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Early Grade Reading: The challenges that affect teachers' practice of phonological awareness

$ 42.5

Published: 2023-12-11
Category: Edukacja
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Early childhood reading lessons are important. In order to achieve early reading skills, it is imperative to provide high-quality reading materials, a suitable environment for practicing reading and writing skills, and appropriate subject content and pedagogical knowledge. This study aimed to identify the challenges affecting teacher practice of phonological awareness (PA) in the first grade classrooms of the teaching of Koorete language. The study adopted the descriptive research design using the survey method and exploratory case study technique, and it was conducted in selected schools in Koore Zone in the Southern Ethiopia. The qualitative method was used to observe and interview the selected participating teachers, and questionnaires were used with the thirty native language teachers selected. Thirty participating schools were selected through stratified sampling, and 30 native language teachers were selected through targeted sampling from the selected schools based on their qualifications, experience, and recommendations for merit. Classroom observations, in-depth semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires were used to collect data. The recorded data was then transcribed, translated, analyzed and then it was thematically discussed. The results of the study showed that a lack of subject content and pedagogical knowledge, inadequate teaching materials, inadequate teacher training programs, a lack of an enabling, literacy-rich environment and a lack of in-service training in the first grades pose major challenges. The study recommends that teachers need to be adequately equipped with content and pedagogical awareness, to be provided with phonological awareness resources, and they require support by way of in-service training to enhance the teaching of native language reading skills in early grades. Finally, all stakeholders need to work on the access and quality of textbooks and supplementary reading materials, adopt explicit and systematic teaching practices, organize in-service training and create a literacy-rich environment for the teacher education programme.  

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