Entrepreneurial Potential in India and Europe
$ 49.5
Entrepreneurship is an emerging source of livelihood that requires in-depth studies from different perspectives. The book gets an insight into the entrepreneurial journeys, factors, challenges, and suggestions for entrepreneurship in India and Europe. It will help to know how different factors and challenges influence the rise of entrepreneurship in India and Europe. Currently Europe becomes a destination for foreign or migrant entrepreneurship what this book portrays. It will also le us know gender differences in entrepreneurial potentials. The book sheds a light on handloom entrepreneurship in India as well which is a driver and poverty alleviation tool of Indian economy. This is the first book that will benefit graduates of entrepreneurship departments, researchers and general audience by providing knowledge on entrepreneurial potentials, entrepreneurial journeys and its drivers, challenges and policy recommendations for entrepreneurial potentials. This book will truly benefit the world through the knowledge of entrepreneurial potentials of India and Europe.