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Author Interview with Shaun R. McCann

Author of the book: "Medicine Matters"


1. Please introduce yourself. What would you like your reader to know about you?

I was a consultant haematologist in St James’ Hospital in Dublin. Most of my time was spent treating malignant blood diseases such as leukaemia and related diseases. I introduced bone marrow transplantation into Ireland in 1984. I always enjoyed teaching, it’s the best way of learning.
I have an interest in wine and since I retired, I spend about 6 months each year in Tuscany, Italy with my wife.

2. What is your inspiration/motivation for writing?

My time at the University of Minnesota, working under Professor Harry Jacob was inspirational and convinced me that I wanted to spend my life as a haematologist.

3. How long did it take to complete your research from the idea to the book?

About two years.

4. What's the main message and idea of "Medicine Matters"?

Your career development depends on luck, serendipity, circumstances and hard work. With enough enthusiasm you can do things that many people thought were impossible.

5. What was the most unexpected conclusion you came up with while preparing "Medicine Matters"?

To be a good doctor you must be curious.

6. How would you describe your publishing experience with Eliva Press in a few words?

Excellent. I found Andrew Melnic very helpful and responsive.


Purchase Author's book here:  Amazon

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